It takes up to 18 days to develop a generation of habrobracon riders. Each pest larva can contain to 10 habrobracon eggs. According to some sources, it is sufficient to settle a hectare of land with 2,000 adult species to completely eliminate pests in the area.

It is a hymenopteran insect parasitizing on larvae of the majority of pests. The body of an adult specimen does not exceed 3 mm in length and is usually dark brown.
Habrobracon lays its eggs in the larvae and caterpillars of other insects. Before putting its embryos into the pest larvae, the habrobracon paralyses the host larvae through a puncture, and after egg-laying, the pest caterpillar dies.
The larvae of the habrobracon emerge from the clutch within 24 hours. For egg-laying, habrobracons usually choose caterpillars of cotton moth, corn worm larvae, fir seed moth and grass moth that cause significant damage to crops.

Stages of working with us:
Research and monitoring of fields to assess the volume and scheme of processing
Request for entomophages introduction, agreement on the contract, terms of cooperation and payment schedule
Selection and provision of pheromone traps according to crop types and pests
Joint definition of time and standard for entomophage introduction
Entomophage growing and quality control testing in vitro
Entomophages introduction with the help of drone aircrafts according to the planned schedule
Assessment of entomophage application efficiency and crop conservation
Do you need a consultation?
In 5 minutes, we will be able to tell you how to protect your future harvest!

- Out telephone number: 8 (800) 500-19-15
- Our address:suites 722, 724, 726,
Kommunarov Str. 268, City of Krasnodar - Working hours: Monday – Friday,
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.